Point Cloud Projects
Point Cloud Glitch.com HTML Coding
Hazy Days (2020)
Hazy Days shows a fictional world where the air of the Earth is filled with dust and where most of the human race left the planet for another base. Pointcloud models of daily objects are displayed in a virtual world. The pointclouds are created based on the photographs of stuff at my home. There are subtle light changes due to the sunlight blocked by the thick dusty air.
Hazy Days was originally made through a website, 'glitch.com'. However, since the pointcloud models were too heavy for the webpage to run the virtual world, I had to record the world and delete the original webpage.
Time (2020)
Time is a project where I gathered pointclouds of my personal stuff and mingled them into a single virtual object. The audio is a recording of the environmental sound on my desk.